What do you need to be aware of producing TVCs?

TV Commercials (TVCs) are the number one choice for most companies when advertising, simply because there are so many advantages to them and to the customers. They can introduce their company alongside their products, and it’s basically a part of customers’ life. When choosing to produce TVCs however, lots of things need to be paid attention to to maximize the potential of the product’s TVC.

The primary objective for TVCs is introducing the products to customers. Therefore, in the idealization stage, you would want to do some research on which demographic the product is aimed towards. Children’s products require the TVC to be funny, while products for housewives would like to be closely related to daily life. 

When producing a TVC, images related to the product should be featured prominently. Each TVC only lasts for 10-60 seconds, so it must be impressionable and easy to comprehend. The content needs to revolve around the products, too.

YCN MEDIA in the making of TVC for "Gold Tower" Real Estate Project


The Final version of "Gold Tower" Real Estate (in Hanoi, Vietnam) TVC 


You don’t have to use actors, either. CGI is now advanced and affordable enough for everyone, so much that you can build a whole TVC on computers. Using animated characters also help your company stand out from the rest. It is not perfect, however, and the expense can still be quite high. Caution should still be taken when using CGI.

The most crucial part in producing a TVC is to find a good producer. A trustworthy producer like YCN Media will take note of everything you want in your TVC before scheduling and writing scripts. However, not every producer can meet your expectations in producing your TVC. Therefore, it’s recommended to find producers such as YCN Media to create your dream TVCs.

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